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Book 17: Anna and the French Kiss (By Stephanie Perkins)

by on June 26, 2013

Title: Anna and the French Kiss

Author: Stephanie Perkins

Genre: YA, Romance

Summary: Forced to leave behind 17 years of her life and everything that she’s used to in Atlantic, Anna Oliphant is shipped off to the Paris’ School of America for her last year of high school on her father’s whim. Although she hated the move and was scared into staying in her room by the completely foreign new city, she quickly meets Meredith, Josh, Rashmi, and the most beautiful boy she has ever encountered in her life, Etienne St. Clair. her world begins to tilt, shift, and collapse in a heap of teenage love-entangled drama. But the City of Love has a peculiar way of granting wishes. So will hers come true?

Eaten Thru on: June 26, 2013

The Overall:

I know, I know, not exactly a classical, literary masterpiece. But it’s a nice change from the tear-inducing novels that came before this one. Besides, I will be diving into heavy classics soon enough come July.

I forgot how much I enjoy light romance novels. I haven’t squealed this much since my Fanfiction days. It’s a breezy read, and if you are anything like me, you will be hooked from page one. And when you look back up at the real world, your eyes will be filled with stars and everything will be through rosy lenses. As much as there may not be beautifully-written literary genius behind this book, it gives you a floating-on-cloud-9 sort of feeling which I will never get tired of.

Having said that, there is no great literary value to take from this book. I was slightly put off at the beginning by the whole rich-white-girl-forced-to-live-in-Paris-poor-her premise. Plus, the all-perfect, gorgeous St. Clair doesn’t exactly scream REALITY. But, the fact that I couldn’t put the book down, and that I was so engrossed in Anna’s story says something cliche but true about myself. I am still a hopeless romantic, even after reality has beaten me with the coldness and cruelty this world has to offer. Talking about cliches, the book’s ending was pretty cliche. Nonetheless, it put a smile on my face and the world was right again, like all happy endings make me feel, even the corny ones.

Oops, did I spoil the ending for you? Come on, just look at the book! You know it’s a happy ending. It’s not like it was written by Nicholas Sparks.

Final Verdict: 3/5

Best Enjoyed: In a private space where you can squeal like a obsessed fangirl seeing her idol (how sexist of me eh? Automatically assuming everyone who reads, or will read or want to read this book is of the female gender) all you want.

Next Bookworming target: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein

From → Fiction, Reviews

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